Sometimes, it is the simplest things that cause the biggest problems. Can’t the car start? Check if there is any oil in the fuel tank. Is there a problem with your fiber optic network? Is there a performance problem with your fiber optic cable? Check the fiber optic connector. It can be as simple as a dirty connector. A simple fiber connector cleaning can solve this problem. No, you can’t wash with shirts. This does not work. Do they look clean? When the fiber optic cable is smaller than a piece of hair, how do you know if there is pollution? You can’t.

1. What is the difference between a handheld microscope and a video microscope?

A digital microscope is just an ordinary handheld microscope plus a camera. The usual magnifications range from 100x to 800x, and a popular magnification is 400x, although 200x is usually possible. Sometimes 200x may be a better choice because you can see more areas being inspected. The microscopes are capable of capturing images and include software for documenting. They provided an inspection report. The technician can view the connector on the computer screen.

Some digital microscopes have focus, and some models have autofocus. With this microscope, all you need to do is to connect the connector to be inspected and view the results on a computer screen or tablet. The image can also be captured and sent remotely to another location for inspection. A handheld microscope has basically the same functions as a digital microscope, but only for inspection. It cannot be viewed on a computer or tablet screen, nor can it transmit images to remote viewing. However, it will provide you with basic information about whether the connector is dirty.

2. How to clean the connector?

#1 Step: Turning off the laser is always a good idea. In any case, do not look at the end of the optical fiber while it is energized. Looking directly at the fiber can cause irreparable damage to the eyes.

#2 Step: Remove the protective cap and store it in a clean container. Make sure the container has a lid. This will protect the dust cap from dust or dirt.

#3 Step: Now the connector needs to be visually inspected with a microscope. Typical dust and debris are invisible to the naked eye. A handheld microscope or video microscope can help you view the condition of the connector. Remove the connector and connect it to the video microscope or handheld microscope. See how it goes. If you see debris or contamination, you need to do some cleaning.

#4 Step: Be careful when cleaning, otherwise it may cause more pollution. There are several ways to clean up the connector. Purchasing products for wet cleaning, wet to dry cleaning, and dry connector cleaners.

  • Wet wash
  • Dry connector cleaner
  • Wet dry cleaning

3. Wet purification

Must use reagent grade 99% isopropanol and lint-free cleaning wipes. Reagent-grade alcohol can be purchased in bulk, but it is recommended that you use pre-moistened isopropanol wipes, because bulk isopropanol may be contaminated after a period of time and will absorb moisture from the air. Individually packaged wet wipes can avoid this problem. Dry connector cleaners-also known as click cleaners or cassette cleaners are usually used for light pollution.

They contain lint-free tape for cleaning. It is difficult to remove contaminants by dry methods. During this process, the connector may become charged and may even attract additional contaminants. Use the right materials to avoid this. Wet dry cleaning-during this process, you need to use a small amount of reagent-grade alcohol to remove debris and dust particles.

Apply a small amount to the lint-free fiber cleaning cloth. Wipe the connector from the wet place to the dry place on the cleaning cloth. Make a straightforward movement on the connector. When using this method, do not use the number 8 action. This method of passing directly through the surface of the lint can remove debris and particles. When using this method, it is important to note that the more the better. Using too much detergent will contaminate the surface to be cleaned. Remember to be moderately moist and only rub it directly from wet to dry.

Always avoid:

  • The cleaning process will leave residue on the connector or end face.
  • Twist or pull the optical fiber forcefully.
  • Observe the laser directly.
  • Touch the cleaning area
  • Reuse cleaning wipes
  • Contact with cleaning materials

4. Conclusion

You always need to check the connector for contamination. Never assume that the connector is clean. Connectors are the source of degradation in many cases. Pollution is the enemy of your system. Use a microscope to check. Use proven procedures and products to clean connectors. Never trust the quality of your light signal to guess. The only way to ensure the correct operation of the connector is; inspection, cleaning, and inspection.